Saturday, June 6, 2009

my tumblr site

It's been a long time since i upload any post here. One reason was I was trying to us tumblr. It's faster and straightforward.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

SlumDog and Valkyrie

I watched Slumdog Millionaire and Valkyrie this week. I enjoyed the Slumdog Millionaire at the beginning until I started to get bored at the 100 minutes mark. It is too draggy and I felt that the love story was irrelevant. I preferred Valkyrie instead, though it was not fantastic. It was based on a real life story happened in World War II. I would prefer it if it was a German movie. It just seemed weird to listen to "Germans" speaking English in a World War II plot. That is why I like "The Lives of Others". It is a great German movie. I can't wait to watch the Japanese movie "Departures", which won Best Foreign Film Academy award this year.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bourne Trilogy

I watched "The Bourne Ultimatum" two times over one weekend on cable. I had watched it in a theatre when it first came out. Then, I did not pay attention to the music. After this weekend, I can't get this Moby track out of my mind.


Saturday, February 21, 2009


Looking forward to DM's new album! The cover reminds me of the game i used to play when i was young.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


I watched both movies in one week. Highly recommended. Very Good. The cast in both movies are top-notch.

Movies I hope to watch in the coming weeks.

Yet-to be opened Movies that I am interested to catch:


Monday, January 26, 2009

Resolution update

Darn..i did not follow through with my resolutions. Here's my update:
1) Exercise at least 3 times per week -> to keep my weight below 60kg, preferably below 55kg

Only once a week. sigh. at least i exercise once. hope to increase my frequency to twice.

2) Finish at least one novel per month

Should be no problem. I am going to finish one graphic novel

3) Eat breakfast daily

I do eat daily but not the heathly typical breakfast. I will try to start having cereal or bread everyday.

4) To use my DSLR at least once a week

i still need to work on this. I used it for CNY which was a good photo taking opportunity.

5) To watch one dvd which i bought and have not watched per month.

This is stil pending. I still have five more days.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Happy New Year to first year in my 30s and now the customary resolution list, which i failed to follow through for the past few years..

Resolution (noun): A firm decision to do something or not to do something

1) Exercise at least 3 times per week -> to keep my weight below 60kg, preferably below 55kg
2) Finish at least one novel per month
3) Eat breakfast daily
4) To use my DSLR at least once a week
5) To watch one dvd which i bought and have not watched per month.

This list will only take effect from 5 Jan 09 (Mon), a brand new week in the new year. My reward if I did follow through the above list, I will buy a LCD TV!! Good luck to myself!!!